This snapshot shows a familiar scene – but in a very different context than today! It was taken from the center of the old Cameron Road, which bisected Miners’ Bay, and continued through the Sugar Bush, and on to Minden.

The colonization road was constructed in 1867, and was the principal route north until the building of the King’s Highway, (# 35), during the depression. The “new road” crosses the Round Lake creek on a new stone bridge, and passes by the Miners’ Bay Church.

In the background, the Bay View Hotel – soon to be re-named, is evident. Note that, at this time there was no Tea Room, and that two venerable evergreens tower above the young tree which, eighty years later, has reached maturity.

The Church sits alone on a slight rise above the creek. A “glacial drop” remains in front – a remnant of the ice age that retreated northwards almost ten thousand years ago.

The sign hanging in the tree in the foreground is difficult to make out – but it appears to say “ENJOY YOURSELF”! That was the theme in 1938. Soon thereafter, the Wunker family inaugurated a similar advertising slogan: “Miners’ Bay Lodge – For a Vacation You Will Want To Repeat”.


Russ Wunker

September 2019


A PRETTY SPOT – c. 1908


Cameron Rd. And Gull Lake Beach 1930’s